Action / writed by David Lynch / 6,9 / 10 / duration 137 min / David Lynch / audience Score 117700 vote
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Dune full movie.
In the year 10,191 there stands a desolate desert planet known as Arrakis (a.k.a. Dune) where it has a precious substance that is made and sold throughout the universe as a substance called spice. A prince named Paul Artedis (Kyle MacLachen) lives on planet Calidan where his father Duke Leto Artedis (Jurgden Prochnow) has been assigned by the ruler of the galaxy known as Pasaha Emperor Shaddam IV (Jose Ferrer) to have him, Paul and wife Lady Jessica (Francesa Annis) to be on planet Arrakis to help out on spice manufacturing. However on planet Geidi Prime, overweight floating villain known as Baron Vladmire Harkonnen (Kenneth McMillan) who controls the Harkonnen empire wants to fight against the Emperor and the Duke so he can take over the planet Arakkis for his evil purposes. Once on Arakkis, trouble begins to brew for Paul and friends as the Harkonnens are trying to overthrow them leaving Paul's father to die, Paul and his mother are left in the dangerous desert where the giant sandworms roam but rescued by an underground tribe of Freman warriors. He also finds true love with native girl Chani (Sean Young) as for 2 years the Fremen with new messiah or Kwistaz Haderech is what they call it to fight against the spice miners with the Baron and Emperor to save the planet's resource of spice.
One of my least favorite movies of all time and one of the biggest fiascoes in the history of film plus the worst film of Lynch's career! Dune is one of my favorite books of all time as Frank Herbert created a visionary masterpiece of a novel in 1965 as well as a book franchise to make a legacy. This movie took 15 years in the making as originally Alejandro Jorodowsky who is a very good art-house director from Chile is a fan of the novel and has a great concept to make a 5 hour film based on the novel with an ideal cast like Orson Welles to having Pink Floyd do the music score but it was dropped. In 1979 Dino De Laurentiis Studios obtained the rights to the book as he approached Ridley Scott to direct after the success of "Alien" as Scott was interested for he is a true fan of the novel but due to a death in the family he passed out on the project in 1980 when he was gonna do "Blade Runner" but after the success of "The Elephant Man" they hired well known cinematic artist David Lynch who had major success with that film just didn't know about the book or never read it nor is he a Sci-fi kind of guy until he read the book for a month and wrote the script.
What could have been a triumph turned into a major disaster! This movie cost 47 million and is one of the most expensive movies in film history. 2 years in the making of this movie and was released on December 14 of 1984 after major hype even from fans of the brilliant novel, this Science Fiction fantasy movie had potential but it turned out to be a major disaster as a film, at the box-office and critics. In theaters, the studios made them hand out pamphlets or cheat-sheets on the plot, terminology and characters of the film as it's one of the few movies in history to use cliff-notes and that was not a good sign. Audiences go to movies to escape from literacy and even from homework but it's a bad thing to give your audience an exam.
Despite co-stars like Paul Smith (Popeye) Dean Harry Stockton, Patrick Stewart Freddie Jones, Linda Hunt, Chucky himself Brad Douriff and Max Von Sydow, you know what went wrong on this project? first off, Lynch never cared about the book for he just made a 2 hour bastardization of Herbert's vision with disgusting material that he added like heart- plugs, bloody fetuses, a cat/mouse sewn together like something out of The Human Centipede and his taste for the bizarre/macabre. Some of the casting was mixed as some were good like Paul Smith as Beast Rabin but some were bad like wooden first timer Kyle Maclachen and Sting, i mean come on? Sting for Feye? give me a break! some of the visual effects are laughable despite some few good ones like the worms or the Guild Navigator, the story is way too confusing even for hardcore fans of the novel such as myself and annoying overdoses of whispering voice overs which is terrible but not like Blade Runner which wasn't too bad to use v.o. in the theatrical cut of that masterpiece. I also hated how he turned the baron into a zit-faced joker of a fat-man than a serious overweight and intelligent politician for he was over-the-top and overacted, but Patrick Stewart was pretty good despite being in the wrong part when he could have been The Emperor.
The film does have a few good points like that score by Toto/Brian Eno as it's one of the rare cases where the soundtrack is superior to the film itself, David Lynch disowned this movie since 1989 as he loathes the film as much as any true fan of the book does for it wasn't worth the print it was on film as Hollywood learned it's lesson to never hire David Lynch for big budget projects again to leave him do his own stuff which he did Blue Velvet in 1986 as he thankfully returned to independent films. Big budget Hollywood blockbusters just isn't his thing especially this poorly written, poorly acted, miscasted and poorly directed dreck.
Yet the good thing about this movie version of Dune is that it makes you wanna read or reread the book, otherwise it's a 47 million mess.
“Again, it is the Legend!”.
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Dune sandworm scene.
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Dune movie 1984.
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*Finds Statue of Liberty sticking out of the sands of Arrakis You MANIACS! You BLEW IT UP.
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Dűne könyv.
I'll always love Lynch's vision.
This was a true delight - Thank You.
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Dune 1984.
It is fake but I got more shake than Star Wars. Dune have more potential. Absorb the spice.
D c5 b1ne 2017.
Thank you for sharing it Is much better done than one I had seen a long time ago supplemented with drawings and voice overs. Great stuff.
Dune buggy for sale. Fascinating. I had no idea that Earth was even part of the known Universe in the Dune stories. Glad to know it was in there somewhere at least. Google traxxas. Always loved how the Fremen had a set of dudes with triangle drums ready just in case someone got challenged to a duel to the death... Dune rats. Oh-drayd? Thought it was Oh-dra-day. So weird how these famous people are out of touch... Dűne kritika.
03:30 Muad'Dib? Transnslation Nigga Please
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I enjoyed Dune back in the 80. This is very nice. Brings back old memories. Thx for this.
Dune can't stop raving.
Dune maison. Dűne magyar előzetes. Google taxi. I judge movies based on how internally they were flawed, i hate comparing movies because no movie should be held accountable to any standard besides the one it sets for itself. Having said that, Dune is truly visually stunning, and disturbingly original. I love the ornateness of the designs; the antiquated elegance and systematic royalty of the Emperor's residence on Kaitain and house Atreides on Caladan, and the grimy yet evoking color scheme on Giede Prime. All the visual aspects of this movie is rare, original, and enthralling. The journey the characters take is at times a bit confusing and convulsive but it is beautiful and visually exciting. The music in Dune adds to the epic feeling that the movie gives, and engrosses you in its wonderful and emotionally thrilling score. Dune is not for casual viewing, to fully enjoy (and try to understand) the characters, the complexity, and the convulsed brilliance of Dune, you need patience, an open mind, and three hours of your time (and undivided attention. Enjoy.
6:17 Ace Ventura Chicaaaago! Yer outta here. Dune real estate partners. Inspired me to pull out my steel box extended edition version to see where this ending came from. THANKS! This will always be a defining movie for me. Dunes realty. D c5 b1ne engine. D c5 b1ne forum. Wow. Blown away by this! Much more faithful to the book. Thank you for sharing. Return of the Jedi would've been great if Lynch had done it. Good job on the reedition and the subtitles. French speaking those are awesome. This edition is very close to the books. I trust Denis Villeneuve for many years; the new movie will be something else. Dune fav gta 5. I'm so excited to hear Villeneuves name attached to the project. It's also smart to make Dune a two-part movie, because there is just soooooo much fantastic source material that has to be included to do the story justice.
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Loved the old 1984 Dune, looking forward to this new version. December 18, 2020 is a long wait
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The cast is super and the sets fantastic and after seeing the 2000 mini series Dune I can recommend this as the best version. For all its shortcomings this is still a hell of a tale and each character is portrayed by a great actor giving a fine performance.
A true SF epic.
Well that's one way to monetize XD.
Sting needed that. I hope he still thinks about it.
Dune gameplay. Dűne film. I can almost swear that I read in one of the books where they referenced to earth as something along the lines of atomicTerra or nukedterra. It was a name which heavily implied that Earth had been destroyed by atomics. I haven't read any books by Brian so it's not from his canon.
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I tried it. I got halfway through the first book but, damn, is it long! Any book that requires a glossary and map is an intense affair.
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